Today's blog will definitely be a short one.
Most of the morning was spent loading photos, preparing them for 'yesterday's' blog and then writing up the story.
We eventually managed to get it posted by mid-morning.
I have a very chesty cold in line with many others on the ship. As a result I'm not in top form and therefore will not be writing much.
Last night while I was fast asleep, the Prinsendam gave a party on the large aft-deck for the crew. Food and drink was made available.
It started at 11 and went on into the wee hours.
It appears that the event was enjoyed by the participants although many were too tired and went to bed.
Maria has done a wonderful job in having five of our bags packed. That leaves the two new duffel ones from HAL and one of our pulley ones. Well done that girl!
Deden said we should have received out FedEx shipping labels by now so I have alerted the concierge ladies that they are missing. Someone is on the case I understand.
We have free shipping back to our Naples Florida home from the ship so can't afford to lose our labels.
While it is still pleasant here in the Caribbean Sea the tempera-tures are in the high 70s today. A welcome change.
Tomorrow the prediction is mid-70s. I suppose by the time we are back in Florida we will have mid 70 temperatures moving quickly up to the 80s.
I intend having a long nap this afternoon before visiting the Crow's Nest for my usual beverage there before dinner.
After that it will be eating in the main dining room with our table mates.
Maria notice that the outside port side bridge wing area had a couple of officers having a good look forward. Maybe they were just sunning themselves and nothing more sinister than that. I suppose you might as well look-out in the fresh air rather than the a/c controlled inner bridge area.
From your prospective this must seem like watching paint dry!!
I cant belive your trip is almost done...
ReplyDeleteOn your journey you have made me smile, cry and laugh out loud! Your writing portrays your character so brilliantly and as I read it I can hear your voice as if you were telling me a wonderful story. The ability to read what you are up to on a daily basis has been such a comfort and has made the heartache of missing you two so much more bearable.
We will miss the blog but more than that are looking forward to speaking with you when you get 'home' to Naples and then seeing you when 'home home' in the UK.
Until then, BIG love from us all
Amsy,Paul Jackson & Alabama xxxx
So sorry to hear you are unwell Paul - get better soon. It is a shame having your last few days spoiled. I have really enjoyed the blog and shall miss your fun and informative take on your trip. Love to Maria, love Nicci.
ReplyDeleteThank you Paul and Maria for your GREAT BLOG. We have re-lived our visit to many of the ports you visited via your excellent tales and photos.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that your trip is ending and Paul is not feeling well, but our cruise will just be starting the day you disembark.
I am looking forward to meeting all the Cruise Critic folks we have "talked" with and are counting the days till OUR JOURNEY begins.
If you are interested in following a blog of the Grand Med/Black Sea cruise, one of the CC members will be posting at: http://www.pamandsteve.com/index.php?p=1_15_Black-Sea-Cruise-2010
Our luggage left last Wednesday and the FedEx tracking information says that it has arrived in Ft. Lauderdale. On our last Grand Cruise, FedEx had 3 containers at the port to pick up and deliver luggage.
Best wishes to you, and again, thank you for your wonderful posts.
Thank you for sharing your adventures over the last ten-weeks. We've enjoyed the travel so much. Your attention to detail allowed us to feel as if we were along for the voyage. From Maria's daily breakfast, to your kind interactions with the ship's staff, and even keeping up with those wonderfully wacky Canadians, it has been just like being along for the ride. On behalf of those who may never get the chance to visit the ports you have recently had the pleasure of experiencing, we thank you for the selfless effort. May you have a safe return to the US and UK.