Unfortuna-tely the ship seems to be having problems with its a/c today so we have not been quite as cool as cucumbers.
We're advised that the problem will soon be dealt with and all will again be okay.
It's noticeable that birds (well one unknown breed anyway) are following us today. They are a kind of dive bird that goes straight into the sea head first and remains there for 15/20 seconds or so as it seeks its prey.
We are not travelling far off the Brazilian coast so we should expect to see bird life here.
The public rooms of the Prinsendam have been given an overall Indonesian theme with, in addition, the national flag of the country displayed on each dining table. The Indonesian crew members are also suitably attired in national clothes and look very smart too.
The Internet has been down a good bit today which has meant that my blog for yesterday was a little late being posted.
Today's blog is going to be quite short as there is not much to report after our two hectic days in Rio.
Someone from Cruise Critic, and his wife, joined the ship yesterday in Rio for the rest of the cruise round to Fort Lauderdale.
He approached me in the Crow's Nest bar last night as I was having my pre-dinner drink, and introduced himself. It would appear that he (known as 'Trash Hauler' on Cruise Critic boards) has been following my blog and knew exactly what I looked like and where I would be. Small world.
A couple of the crew have asked for blog details so they can have their wives or family follow the ship's progress and maybe hear a little about their loved one.
The photograph taken this evening is of three of the wait staff in the Crow's Nest, Annabel, Charles and Givan with their immediate boss Ben Pablo. Ben is the ship's Cellar Master and is in charge of the beverage staff and the wine cellar on the ship.
Last night some of the bar staff introduced themselves to Mr and Mrs Trash Hauler as they felt they would already be known to the new passengers through my blog! They were probably right.
The crisis in Chile has been a strong talking point here as we all have such good memories of that country and its people. We were just lucky not to have been there when it happened and during the resulting tsunami.
Maria has now packed away all our colder gear and filled at least one case up with it. This will all remain there until we ultimately return to the UK in late April. Lets hope that the weather picks up a bit in Florida once we return to Naples.
At dinner tonight we had the ship's HR officer, a nice Brazilian lady called Andrea.
She gave us some useful information about some of our Brazilian ports of call and in particular made a recommendation for a good eatery in Salvador tomorrow. I took the opportunity of having a photo taken of her with our Restaurant Manager, Andrie.
Andrie is always attentive and does make an effort to ensure that we are all happy with the restaurant service and food.
Unfortunately the a/c problem has not been solved as we prepare to go to bed. Nancy, one of our two Concierge girls that look after suite passengers, has been up to our room to take a temperature reading and has suggested that she installs a portable fan for the night. Hopefully this will help the situation and allow us a good night's sleep.
The bird is a "booby," looks most like a Masked Booby.