Maria was less than happy with this but managed to live with it all without too much comment or complaint. I was happy to wander round the ship meeting up with people that were now more that just acquaintances.
When we returned to our cabin last night we were met by not only the usual spotlessly made up room and bathroom and turned down bed, but this time with another Deden special, a swan. What a near work of art it was too. Well done Deden.
The ship seemed curiously quiet this morning when I eventually went up stairs to the Lido restaurant. I was surprised to find it reasonably deserted despite it being 7.30. Yes I know, I slept in! The word was that most people were tired after long tours and no afternoon naps the day before. Yes I think that applied to us too.
One thing that was imm-ediately apparent was that in those areas where crew served us, the pass-engers, such as in this photo of one of the buffet stations now roped off from direct contact by passengers, non-waiting staff were on duty there. We had a croupier from the casino and one of the very young pretty female dancers serving the passengers this morning. How completely unusual!! They had apparently volunteered to do this in order to give the over worked normal Indonesian crew some kind of break.
We spent most of the day not doing much at all. Maria busied herself with the Lumix camera manual acquainting herself with its intricacies in readiness for the forthcoming photo opportunities of southern Chile and beyond. We even spent a hour or two on the very quiet new aft deck. Temperatures were probably around 70 with a partly cloudy sky The breeze was slight so it was warm laying there relaxing on the new comfortable loungers. We really should spend more time out there (while the weather allows) as it is a very relaxing place to be.
We understand that about 66 new passengers embarked yesterday in Valparaiso and a few couples departed the ship. This would mean that all the new and refurbished cabins at the aft of the ship should now be occupied, I assume. There was the inevitable stories about teething problems like the toilet not working as the water was not connected? I suppose all will be fixed in good time.
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