All the public rooms, and especially the main dining room , had been dressed-up appropriately as this was the ships first themed night. Pirates of the Caribbean was the theme and all the waiting staff were suitable dressed in pirate garb. In the dinning room we were even given pirate hats to wear for the evening!
The seas were a little calmer last night but nevertheless there was still a good swell, enough to lull you to sleep. I was up and about by 5.45 and after some coffee and fruit was delighted to see the activity on the newly finished (almost) aft deck pool area. It was all hands on deck there with a hive of activity. Cleaning the deck, washing out the pool and the two jacuzzis and polishing up the new bar, were activities all vigorously being pursued. In addition some of the stewards had been summoned early from their bunks to lay out the loungers and tables for the soon to be use of the passengers.
The ship's management have cleverly turned the aft deck misadventure into an event, making a virtue out of a necessity and declaring in the day's programme that there would be a PARTY, scheduled for 10.00 am, to celebrate the opening of the new aft deck with free Bloody Mary drinks and Mimosas. Yippee, the ship's construction work is completed except perhaps for the internal fitting-out of the new 22 additional cabins added when in dry dock a week ago.Hotel Manager François Birarda was soon seen on duty admiring the new deck and ensuring that work for its opening in a few hours time was running to plan.
I took the opportunity of telling him how wonderful this new addition to the ship was now looking. He told me that the letter I had sent to the Captain and copied to him had been sent to head office in Seattle by the Captain but because of the intervening weekend period they had had no reply yet.
We had a useful chat about the ship and the challenges that an Hotel Manager goes through when his 'hotel' has unscheduled construction work going on while under way.
What a very nice man he is and French too!!! Sorry just joking as I love the French!!
He explained that now that the clean-up had been completed on the aft deck his deck crew would now start washing down and cleaning up the other decks where evidence of what has been going on is still very apparent.
Yes there is no question, the new extended aft deck is a big asset to the Prinsendam and really does enhance the look and feel of the ship. Even the area below this deck where the newly installed cabins are housed has not diminished in any way, in my opinion, the classical look of the ship.
(Pictured here is a relieved Hotel Manager Francois at the party). At 10 sharp the band struck-up and the free drinks started to flow. A goodly crowd turned out for the party with most of the ship's senior officers in evidence.
What a relief for the Captain that he wouldn't have to make any more public pronouncements about completion dates and then have to eat his words shortly afterwards...twice!! Here is Captain Albert at last enjoying his aft deck!
It sure was hot down here on deck 9 and although there was a big temptation to just stay on and enjoy the complementary drinks, we were happy to depart the scene for some relaxation in our well cooled cabin before the next party. Photo of Mary Ann, Maria, Lucia and with Beverage Manager Roger getting in on the act.
The second big event of the day, and one we are also invited to, is our first Cruise Critic Meet and Greet get together. Wow two party invitations in one day!!
This is being held at 11.00 in the Crow's Nest and organised by table mates Bill and Mary Ann through the ship's Beverage Manager Roger. Our organisers had initially contacted HAL's head office in Seattle to set up the dates for the four Meet and Greets being organised by them. Beverage Manager Roger then sent out formal invitations to us all (I think about 45 in all) suggesting that the ship was really taking our little group get together quite seriously.
In my earlier chat today with Hotel Manager François, he confirmed to me that he and Captain Albert would be making an appearance. Now that really will be a nice surprise for us all.
In the event I think about 10 ship's officers plus Tom the Cruise Director were present from the start of the gathering and they in turn took the opportunity to introduce themselves and say a few words to us about their various roles on the ship.
We then all introduced ourselves to one another so putting faces to names.
Towards the end of these introductions Captain Albert arrived and also addressed us with some amusing antidotes and stayed for about 15 minutes.
All in all it was a successful first Meet and Greet party with coffees, juices, a variety of appetizers and cookies supplied for our enjoyment.
Unfortunately because of the nature of the Crow's Nest Lounge with its huge wrap-around panoramic windows it was not possible to take suitable photos for posting because of the glare. The one picture that did come out satisfactorily shows Bill (checking his camera), Hotel Manager François Birarda and two of his colleagues and some of our Cruise Critic members.
Its interesting that on the HAL ships they take the spiritual needs of their passengers very seriously. As usual there are on this voyage Catholic and Protestant pastors plus a Jewish Rabbi, each organising services as appropriate. The Catholics have a Mass every morning at 8.00 (different time on port days) in the Wajang Theatre. The daily attendance is about 25-30 people with maybe 70 plus on a Sunday and it is a good opportunity for some serenity and contemplation.
Our free laundry package has been used to good purpose with all my jackets (yes I brought too many again), dress shirts and some trousers/pants being neatly pressed. Maria has had a good bit of her extensive wardrobe also spruced up. Shirts, tops and sundry clothes are now regularly being sent off in the morning and retuned the following day. Of course with this wonderful service you don't need to take quite so much with on a cruise....... but yes we did!!
The food generally on the ship is proving to be of an excellent standard. Long may it continue. This is always a subjective matter but the consensus at our table is that the dinner menu offerings are very good. Lunch and breakfasts are more than adequate with their very wide selections. In addition to the main restaurant and the Lido daily buffets, there is an outside grill by the pool where in addition to burgers, hot dogs and the like, a deli type menu of wraps, sandwiches and soup is also available. Then as on all HAL ships there is he 'famous' Pinnacle Grill where for an addition charge of $20, a wonderful gourmet dinner can be enjoyed. A very nice venue and ideal for that special occasion like an anniversary.
(Photo of Mary Ann and Bill relaxing in the sun) Most of the rest of the day we both sat out on our balcony doing our best to avoiding the sun and keeping ourselves covered up. The effect of the sun and breeze from the day before yesterday had left their mark....more so on me than Maria. We would have plenty of days in the future to sit at the pool as our voyage continues. As well as staying well out of the sun I did wander round the ship a bit bumpinging into and chatting with people I knew. A lovely way of spending a day at sea. Maria continues to get through books like there is no tomorrow......well done her.
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